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Like whole body cryotherapy, Localized Cryotherapy Treatments addresses a variety of health, beauty and wellness concerns. You can get benefits from just one session of cryo, but it’s most effective when used for multiple sessions.

New to Cryo?

Schedule a free consultation to discuss questions, concerns, and target areas!

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While you'll feel the benefits and see the results from just one session of cryo, results are most effective when performed over the course of at least five sessions.


Buy 5 Sessions, Get the 6th Session FREE!

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ºCRYO sculpting

Sculpt, shape, tone, and define your target areas with our Cryo Sculpting Services.

Core: Tummy/Stomach

Treatment areas: Front of stomach, upper/lower abs, side love handle area & lower back sculpting.

Bra Area
(Bra Bulge)


Treatment area(s): Bra-line. The goal with this treatment is to help reduce the appearance of the "bra bulge."

breast reduction

Treatment area: Woman's breasts. Goal is to reduce the amount of chest adipose tissue to reduce the size of breast.

Men's pecs

Treatment area: Men's chest/pecs. Goal is to reduce the amount of chest adipose tissue to provide a flatter, more defined chest.


Treatment area: Most commonly the triceps-area of both arms. Reduce adipose tissue (fat) and tighten skin.

glutes/butt lift

Treatment Area: Glutes, butt & upper thigh area. Helps with some shaping, slimming, and smoothing.

Thighs & Hips


Treatment area: Both upper legs (thigh) in up to two treatment areas: Inner Thigh, Back of Thigh, Outer Thigh (Hip / Saddlebag), Front of Thigh.

Lower Legs

Treatment area: From the knee down to the tops of your feet on both legs. For upper leg treatment, see Inner/Outer Thighs & Hips service.

full body: women

Treatment area: Full Core (upper abs, lower abs, love handles, lower back), Bra Bulge, Upper back, Glutes, Butt, Full Thigh (inner, outer, font, saddle bags), arms, Frotox. Min. of 6 treatments recommended for best results - see our Cryo Packages for details.

full body: men

Treatment area: Full Core (upper abs, lower abs, love handles, lower back), Upper back, Pecs, Glutes, Butt, Full Thigh (inner, outer, font, saddle bags), arms, Frotox. Minimum of 6 treatments recommended for best results - see our Cryo Packages for details.

Image by erin mckenna

ºCRYO aesthetics

Firm, brighten & tighten your face and neck to improve skin complexion/appearance with our Cryo Aesthetics services.


Stimulates collagen production and helps improve overall skin appearance. Benefits include: tightening loose or sagging skin, reducing fine lines & wrinkles, jaw & cheekbone sculpting.

Face acne

Helps to reduce the production of oils in glands, treats inflammation, and combats the bacterial elements present in acne (CO2 is anti-microbial). This treatment targets your entire face or where acne is most severe.

Chin & Neck

Treatment area: Chin/Neck. The goal of this treatment is to reduce the appearance of a "double chin" by targeting & reducing fat in and around the chin & neck area.

skin tightening,
stretch marks & scars


Here we focus on one (1) of the following in one area: 1. Skin Tightening 2. Reducing the appearance of stretch marks or 3. Reducing the appearance of scars. The treatments utilize cryo thermal shock, which stimulates the production of collagen at a faster rate.

Image by erin mckenna


Reduce pain from head to toe and increase energy/mood with our Cryo Therapy services.

Pain Management
(ONE area)


Our pain-management protocols use a stream of cooling gas that causes a thermal shock to the system, and reduces inflammation quickly. Experience near-immediate pain relief.

(Small area)


Helps to reduce and/or alleviate the primary symptoms of Psoriasis (redness, itching, burning, soreness, scales. Small areas include: lower legs, or lower or upper arms. Large areas are 2x small-area cost.

Mood improvement/
energy boost


Cold therapy has long been established as an effective way to improve mood and increase energy. These protocols have also been tested on individuals with PTSD.

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